Step Up Your Cardio Game to Boost Aerobic Performance, Live Longer and Unlock Mitochondria
Pick Your Cardio for Longevity and Heart Health. Explore Zone 2 and 5 Training & Get Better at Tracking to Improve VO2max, Mitochondria Function, and Endurance. Find the zone that works for you.

Articles on Cardio
NEAT Activity – 8 Strategies To Be More Active
In the realm of health and fitness, basic movement is highly underrated. Many seem to focus on intense…
Hybrid Training: Combine Cardio and Strength For Optimal Health
Exercise is one of the key factors contributing to health, we know this. But strength training only doesn’t…
The 10000 Steps Challenge: Boost Your Cardio and Get Fit
10000 steps seem like a magical number. Walking is well known to enhance overall health and reduce mortality…
Zone 2 and 5 Aerobic Training for Longevity, Fitness & Health
What is the optimal aerobic training for longevity, fitness, and health? While individualization is of the essence, many…
REHIT Training – The 9 Minute Cardio for VO2max, Fat-Loss, and Fitness
If you’re looking for the most effective way to boost VO2max, say hi to REHIT training. It also…
The 20 Minute HIIT Workout – How to Increase VO2max
VO2 Max is a standard measure of cardiorespiratory fitness. The higher it is, the more aerobically capable we…
Cardio 101: Aerobic Exercise for Longevity, Fitness, and VO2max
Cardio 101: What is Cardio Cardio is a cyclic activity that raises both heart rate and breathing rate and improves cardiorespiratory fitness. So-called aerobic exercise, since cardio requires a lot of energy primarily created with the use of oxygen. This repetitive motion not only strengthens your heart health but also aids in…
improves mitochondria function and increases mitochondria biogenesis
improved oxygen use boosts energy on a cellular level
improves cardiorespiratory fitness, circulation, and oxygen transport
increases aerobic performance, an important longevity predictor
has a potent EPOC effect which helps burn fat and speed up metabolism