[The] Limitless Energy [You Need] To Elevate Your Life ⚡

11 science-based strategies to elevate function, increase energy and vitality. Packed into one digital product.

Functioning on 50%? 🔋 Charge to 90%, Today.

Tired all the time?

You wake up tired, get from work tired. No energy to do the things that you want and enjoy life. Feels like running on a treadmill, backwards. Combat fatigue, today.

Weight gain issues?

Despite your efforts in working out and trying different diets, poor metabolic function keeps your body stubborn in not losing fat.

Brain fog, hard to focus?

It seems that no matter how hard you try, your brain runs out of attention. It’s hard to focus, your brain is fuzzy and not clear.

Low libido, no desire?

Work and life stressors so high, they overpower your desire for social interaction, deep connection, and intimacy. Hormones are out of whack.

Low quality of life?

Life’s not what we’ve aspired to. 9-5s. Ultra-processed foods. Shallow relationships. Low energy. Always on the lookout for a quick dopamine hit.

Dependent on Caffeine?

You need caffeine to function at baseline, no added pleasure with it. Instead of it being a pick-me-up, a focus booster, it’s a headache prevention.

What Is Inside Our Digital Product



150+ page e-book covering our 11 strategies in detail. Research, graphics, and practical tips are included.


Video Collection

12 short videos simplifying, covering, and explaining each topic.


Habit Tracker

4-Week habits tracking template (pdf) to take care of your activity, sleep schedule, diet, and supplementation.


Complex information simplified into a piece easy to learn from, with graphics.


Supported by research, accessible for your convenience and exploration.


Practical steps to make your journey easier, faster, and simpler.

How to increase energy levels naturally?

Increasing energy is a matter of
1) providing enough calories and quality nutrients via healthy nutrition
2) providing sufficient rest and recovery via deep sleep
3) providing enough physical stressors to cause a positive adaptation via exercise

It’s not a secret hack that lies in one supplement, it’s a lifestyle.
Our bodies have to function “optimally”, and our physiology has to run smoothly to create ATP (energy).

Energy elevation takes you further, exploring details of how to make diet, sleep, and, exercise more efficient.

What are some foods that give you energy?

Every food gives you energy because it contains calories, from which we derive energy. The main problem in modern-day eating is overeating or eating too many empty calories, aka foods that bring low to no real nutrients. With time, this develops into metabolic dysfunction, leading to weight gain and inflammation.

Energy elevation explores:
1) metabolic dieting or how increasing healthy fats and reducing simple carbs can aid in better metabolic function.

2) intermittent fasting, a part of metabolic dieting that helps reduce the frequency of glucose ingestion.

3) the 5-meal strategy based around perfecting the 5 most consistently eaten meals, and how to fill that plate with healthier foods.

4) antioxidant-rich foods or other superfoods that contain a great amount of nutrients (fiber, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins) per their caloric count.

Why am I always tired and have no energy?

There are many reasons why one may be tired. To an extent, being tired at the end of a long day, after a workout, or after a heavy cognitive task is completely normal. Waking up tired and being constantly tired in our view, is not. If we live on 50% all the time, it shows a degradation in function, leading to faster aging and dysfunction.

The most common reasons one might be constantly tired include:
1) work-related stressors we can’t manage properly (both intensity and overload).
2) eating too many processed, empty-calorie foods your body doesn’t derive nutrients from to support function.

3) not moving enough aka living sedentary, taking <4,000 steps daily. It’s an insufficient stressor for your body to adapt to become stronger, vital, and more functional.
4) caffeine slowly became a 3x daily thing. While at the start it was masking fatigue so good we thought we’re energetic, we’ve become so dependent that now it deprives us of the most important restorative process, sleep.
5) suboptimal sleep habits like blue light exposure at night, no bed ritual, poor sleep hygiene, inconsistent sleep schedule, alcohol or sugars before bed, etc.

How to stop feeling tired?

The feeling of “energy” doesn’t always correspond to real energy on a fundamental level. That’s where most make the first mistake.
1) The boost after caffeine is blocking adenosine, so essentially masked fatigue
2) The adrenaline rush at work to get a big project finished or a product launched
3) The dopamine surge during an actual romantic intercourse or while thinking about one

None of this equates to a fundamental increase in energy, but they’re felt like one. It’s what neurotransmitters like dopamine, epinephrine, or acetylcholine make us feel like.

To stop “feeling tired” we can do many things. To stop “being tired” we can broadly define two areas.
1) Psychology – the way we manage stress, solve problems, connect with people, and work on our purpose.

2) Physiology – taking care of the source of fuel (food), recovery (sleep), and stressors for adaptation (exercise).


Boost Energy – Ready to Unlock The Potential Benefits?

Living Longer

Improving or sustaining physiological function that keeps us young, vibrant, and functional for longer, slowing down aging.

Deeper Relationships

Being more and having more is like an extension. You have more to give. You can build better, deeper relationships as a result.

The Way to Increase Energy, Unlock Vitality, and Elevate Life



E-book (150+ pages) → provides information and research
13 Videos (High-Quality) → explains the context and inspires
4 Week Habit Tracker (PDF) → makes consistency practical
27 original infographics, to make it understandable.

how to increase energy

100% Money Back Guarantee

When you buy the digital set of Energy Elevation, you’re fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

If you don’t feel like you’ve received a great value and you want to cancel any time within the next 30 days, just let us know and we will refund you 100% no questions asked.

Build the Future -> Vitalscend 3.0

Where will the funds go? By purchasing Energy Elevation you’re investing in the future of vitality. We use the funds to build vitalscend 3.0, a more elevated, data-driven, and inspiring version.

The plan is to feature
1) recognized experts in fitness, nutrition, and longevity
2) science-backed content that strongly filters quality data
3) elevated graphics to simplify science, inspire, and educate

how to increase energy levels, boost energy, vitality

Ready to⚡Optimize Function?

11 Ways to Increase Energy, Support Vitality and Elevate Life. Become Limitless. Now.


What do I get with – Energy Elevation?

Information. It’s primarily an educational piece that summarizes and simplifies research for optimal function, performance, and well-being.

Inspiration. Most of our problems don’t stem from not knowing enough but from emotion. The product is designed to inspire positive change.

Practicality. There are practical tips, tools, and resources that make one’s journey easier, faster, and smoother.

Is this a 30-day program?

No. There’s no strict, restrictive program to follow. This is not a weight-loss meal plan or a workout regime. This is an educational piece providing 11 high ROI strategies to optimize one’s physiology. The goal is more energy, vitality, and greater performance. Anyone can make a rational decision on what suits them.

Is there an extra service or advice I get with the purchase?

No. There’s no extra service, individualization, or advice with the product. These services aren’t supported.

Who is this product for?

This product is for anyone looking to enhance their energy levels, improve their performance, and support their long-term health and longevity.

How is the content delivered?

The content is delivered as a digital E-book (pdf), along with access to 12 High-Quality Videos (mp4) and a 4-Week Habit Tracker (pdf).

How do I access the content once I purchase it?

Once purchased, you’ll get a Thank you message which contains View Order button. This will take you to LemonSqueezy’s platform where you get access to (can download) all elements of the product. E-book (EPub and PDF Version), 12 Videos (mp4 files), and Habit Tracker (PDF; Manual).

Why are there two versions of the E-book?

The E-book contains graphics which may or may not be viewed perfectly depending on the device and application used. To solve this issue we’ve created two versions.
1) PDF version – maintains the original structure, can be printed and read on tablets or desktop.
2) EPUB version – reader friendly for smaller devices like a mobile; Readera app is preferred. Information is kept intact but graphics size may differ or break. Font type, size, and background are customizable to fit the best reading experience.