Search Results for: mobility

Human Skeleton Anatomy: Bones, Joints, Ligaments & Tendons

Human Skeleton Anatomy: Bones, Joints, Ligaments & Tendons

If you’re interested in the basic human skeleton anatomy, you’re in the right place. The goal is to distinguish and define bones from ligaments or tendons and understand how joints work. All types of bones and joints are categorized, so all four categories have main definitions, structure, types, and characteristics. Bones Definition Bone is supportive…

Top 10 Effective Office Stretches | Fix Bad Posture and Pain

Top 10 Effective Office Stretches | Fix Bad Posture and Pain

The Importance of Office Desk Stretches Whether you are working from home or you work in an office, chances are you spend more than five hours daily at your computer desk. The problem with this is unless you do proper stretching and mobility posture correcting exercises every day and you often use myofascial massage to…

7 Primal Movement Patterns and Exercises

7 Primal Movement Patterns and Exercises

Functional Movement Patterns Every functional workout should incorporate multi-joint or compound movements also known as primal movement patterns. These are frequently-used moves in everyday life and can improve your posture and form. By building the needed muscular strength, improving joint mobility, and increasing specific muscle flexibility, we can learn to improve our muscle activation and…

Yin Yoga Style 101 | Restorative Yoga For Flexibility

Yin Yoga Style 101 | Restorative Yoga For Flexibility

Yin Yoga Style Yin Yoga style is a passive, slow-paced type of yoga based upon the Yin Yang philosophy. Characterized by longer duration held poses, this Yoga style is known to improve flexibility and joint mobility. It is meant to bring peace and awareness, create space for self-care and introspection while calming the nervous system,…

Hot Yoga Training | Benefits, Structure & Essentials

Hot Yoga Training | Benefits, Structure & Essentials

Hot yoga training is the practice of yoga, performed under heated conditions of 90-105 F with high humidity of 40%, replicating Indian climate, thought to promote many beneficial effects. It is done under the supervision of a certified Bikram or other Hot Yoga style teacher in a room full of mirrors and sweat-absorbable carpets. Hot…

Ashtanga Yoga | 8 Limbs of Yoga, Structure, and Benefits

Ashtanga Yoga | 8 Limbs of Yoga, Structure, and Benefits

Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic yogic practice that consists of six series of asanas in which we transition through vinyasa. It is meant to purify the blood and our nervous system. Each student must master all the asanas of the previous series to get to the next one. Benefits include improved flexibility, strength, inner peace,…

8 Steps to Vitality. Optimize Your Health and Wellness Vitalscend (Vitality + Transcend) is a health and performance optimization site. Our mission is to inspire a healthy lifestyle and instill healthy habits, so we can feel energetic, vital, and function at our best. Latest Articles Pick Your Category ANTI-AGING age better, recover faster via quality…


Elevate Your Fitness Game. Build Strength, Power, and Stability. Control Your Life Incorporate Compound Exercises to Improve Your Functional Fitness. Learn the Difference between Strength, Muscle Growth, and Power Training. Shape Your Workouts with Knowledge. STRENGTH higher nervous system activation and greater muscle mass LIBIDO boosts sex hormones boosting libido and desire COMPOSITION reduces fat…