Search Results for: mobility

REHIT Training – The 9 Minute Cardio for VO2max, Fat-Loss, and Fitness

REHIT Training – The 9 Minute Cardio for VO2max, Fat-Loss, and Fitness

If you’re looking for the most effective way to boost VO2max, say hi to REHIT training. It also comes with benefits like improved insulin sensitivity, potent fat-burning effect, and boost in aerobic capacity. In less scientific words it makes you live longer, be fitter and healthier. All that in just 9 minutes, twice weekly. At…

7 Benefits of Low Intensity Cardio Exercise on Heart Health

7 Benefits of Low Intensity Cardio Exercise on Heart Health

There are numerous benefits of low intensity cardio that extend far beyond heart health. It’s the conditioning we need to be active and move more in life. Usually called steady-state cardio or zone 2 training, it does miracles for our bodies. Yap, from weight loss and energy boost to a stronger heart and healthier brain,…

How To Create a Workout Plan That Works For You

How To Create a Workout Plan That Works For You

Many people overeat and live a sedentary lifestyle, only to find themselves stepping over the edge again. Summer comes, so we feel like we can return to our fit and young self with a 3-week program. Booty pump, 21-day-fast or HIIT body attacks. No. Creating a workout plan that works for you takes more things…

Top 5 Pros and Cons of CrossFit Training

Top 5 Pros and Cons of CrossFit Training

CrossFit Training is a high-intensity, functional, full-body training that has rapidly grown in popularity. Before attempting to do it, have you wondered what are the pros and cons of CrossFit training? As the name suggests, becoming all-rounded or cross-functional. Better strength, mobility, agility, power, endurance, etc. But what about the potential over-training, injuries, or improper…

Fitness Mindset for Health: 8 Tips to Develop a Fit Person Mindset

Fitness Mindset for Health: 8 Tips to Develop a Fit Person Mindset

What is Mindset? Mindset is a set of assumptions, beliefs, and attitudes, which is the rationale for the way you act and understand the world. Of course, you can’t really define such a complex matter with a few simple words, but we’re getting close. It is synonymous with mentality, it is the way you think…

27 Ways to Be More Active: Treadmill Desk, Ball Chairs, Ping-Pong & Active Transport
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27 Ways to Be More Active: Treadmill Desk, Ball Chairs, Ping-Pong & Active Transport

In the 21st century, we’re all on our devices. People sit at their desks for hours, robots clean our house, we pick the elevator and the car instead of taking the stairs or biking to work. Why? It’s fast, efficient, and convenient. But our health doesn’t think so. The question of how to be more…

Compound vs Isolation Training: Muscle Growth, Rehab, Strength & Imbalances
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Compound vs Isolation Training: Muscle Growth, Rehab, Strength & Imbalances

One of the hottest fitness debates amongst gym bros is compound vs isolation training, which one is better? Is performing full-body multi-joint movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench press superior to pumping the muscle in a bicep curl, triceps extension, or knee extension? One method is better for strength, mobility, and functionality. The other is…

Foam Rolling Massage | How Effective Is It For Muscle Recovery?

Foam Rolling Massage | How Effective Is It For Muscle Recovery?

Foam rolling massage burns inside, throbs, and hurts, but damn it feels good afterward. Why is that? Today you’ll discover the mechanisms behind deep tissue massage, how it affects muscle recovery, and what foam roller to pick. Deep Tissue Massage Deep tissue massage has been around for a while, whether we enjoy it or not….

Muscle and Connective Tissue – Anatomy, Types, Function & Structure

Muscle and Connective Tissue – Anatomy, Types, Function & Structure

Defining a Muscle Muscle is a tissue found in the body, responsible for movement and force production. Made up of many smaller protein fibers, a muscle can contract and produce force. Muscle and connective tissue are essential for mobility, as it supports our skeleton, initiates movement, and absorbs shock. Three Categories If we look at…

Hypertrophy vs Strength Training: Exercises, Volume, and Frequency

Hypertrophy vs Strength Training: Exercises, Volume, and Frequency

Training with weights can increase muscle mass and make you stronger, that is for sure. However, there is a great distinction between having more muscle and being stronger. Hypertrophy vs strength training, who wins? For amateur lifters that do not understand the difference, this educational piece of content will come in handy. What Shapes Your…